Saturday, 28 November 2009

Make your mind up!

After dangling the carrot of a home visit in front of us, today the medical team suggested that Vicki begin her next chemotherapy treatment as soon as her blood counts return to normal levels. This of course means no home leave. Whilst I understand the rationale behind this suggestion, Vicki has been so looking forward to coming home that it's hard to see the positives in this for her.

Clearly, by doing this, there is some chance that Vicki may be home for Christmas, which makes perfect sense, but of course there are no guarantees. I've discussed this with Vicki and she's not clear on what to do for the best either. So I think the discussions will rumble on for a little while yet.

If we knew for sure that she'd be home for Christmas it would be a no-brainer, but such is the nature of Vicki's treatment that any complication could set in during or after treatment, so if she were to miss her home leave now, and then still miss Christmas, she will have missed the chance of a break now, and will have had 8 week hospital stint.

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