Wednesday 28 October 2009

Lets go round again

Yesterday Vicki was in theatre, and today she goes in again. Unlike yesterday though, this time she's not having tests, Vicki is having a new Hickman line fitted. Given what happened last time, obviously this feels us both with a degree of trepidation, although the chances of complications are low. Lightening doesn't tend to strike the same place twice as they say. Plus, this time around, Vicki has some semblance of an immune system which was sadly lacking before so I hope her body can better deal with the line this time.

Vicki is very bright in herself, and remains chatty and upbeat. This being her 6th surgical procedure of her illness she seems quite well adjusted to the surgery she is about to have. As I'm typing this, she is sitting up in bed making friendship bracelets. We're chatting and sharing jokes, and looking forward to the possibility of her coming home at the weekend or just after.

We still have no news on the bone marrow or lumbar puncture. I will post something as soon as we know.

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