Monday, 12 October 2009

The green shoots of recovery

I'm typing today in a small degree of pain. My consultant likes to use me as dart board from time to time, sadistic lot, consultants. Whilst the nurse was telling me how well I was doing as I was being stabbed with a hypodermic needle into the neck, I now of course have the perspective that however hard I thought this monthly ritual of mine is, it is nothing to what Vicki is going though. Steven Covey writes about paradigm shifts in his Seven Habits of Highly Effectively People book, a riveting and highly recommended read for all you self improvers out there. And this of course is what I experienced. No more will I complain or moan about my own medical treatment, which of course, is still hurting. Sorry I said, no more complaining didn't I!

I feel a couple of positive things to share with you, dear readers. Firstly and most importantly, Vicki is starting to feel better. She's becoming quite bubbly and is engaging more with the world. She's also developed a cutting sarcasm, and biting humour that I'd not seen in her previously. Additionally she's learning to stand on her own two feet, and speak up for herself. Strange bedfellow adversity, it can bring out the best in you. It's a pity you have to suffer so much to get there though. I hope this means that she is growing stronger, and that her bone marrow is starting to produce her own natural immunity. Steady on the tiller though, it's still early days.

I popped into the office today and this was strangely harder that it really should've been. Of course once I was there and being pampered by all and sundry everything was fine. Even the simplest of things seems hard to me in the current circumstances.

The other piece of positive news is that Samuel has finally started going to school. A seven month slog finally over. I may actually get some sleep tonight!


  1. congratulations Sam keep it up, we are all so proud of you

  2. Glad to hear that things are on the up! :-). Good to see that you are keeping the blog up to date for Vikki also...she will be proud of your ramblings :-)

  3. Happy to hear Vicki is feeling better and we are so proud of Sam attending school today.

    from all in the Townsend household.
