Monday, 15 February 2010

We can almost see the finishing line

After a very emotional and tense period, hence the lack of updates on the blog, it seems that we are in touching distance of the end of phase 1 of Vicki's illness. Her 4th and final planned in patient journey is now near the end. As is always the case, we're not being told the actual date that she'll come home, but over the weekend, Dr Madi, the consultant in charge of Paediatric Oncology told us that it will be about another week.

Vicki has started to be weaned off her drugs, and it only seems a matter of time before she's back home where she belongs. As 5 months of hell draws to a close, I'm starting to reflect back on the experience, and I'm sure I'll use the blog to echo my sentiments in the coming week or so. Vicki is quite well in herself, and I had to give her a serious pep talk Sunday because she was letting the world drift over her. She's got so much that she could be doing, and there's so much that she has to be doing, that I couldn't sit and let her fritter her time away, just laying in bed, doing nothing. Especially as she more than well enough to be doing any number of tasks, from watching TV, to playing computer games and of course school work. Being in her GCSE year, it's critical that she at least gets the bare minimum to continue her education in the next academic year.

Yesterday being Valentine's Day, it was no surprise that Andy came up to see her. Not wishing to play gooseberry for 2 hours I made myself scarce! The journey home was full of the usual laughs and jokes, but due to some incredible lateral thought jumps, the laws of copyright and patents prevent me from sharing the details with you. I'm sure once Andy's a household name for producing the thing that I can't discuss, then I'll return to this post and edit it accordingly :)

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