Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The things you learn

Vicki feels quite well in herself, all things considered, but is still not really eating normally. We just have to wait until the feeling of sickness subsides and then her appetite will return. The quicker this happens the quicker she'll get off the intravenous feed.

Yesterday Vicki and I spend some 4 hours or so playing Spyro the Dragon. Never thought I'd enjoy such a game as I usually prefer sports simulations, driving, or out and out death and carnage games, but fair dues to Spyro it was quite entertaining. Well, until we got stuck trying to defeat a troll, and then it just got frustrating. Well that's trolls for you.

There's also been a return to visiting, and last night's visitor, Philippa, gave me some real insights into the biological physiology of ducks. I discovered, much to my surprise that ducks have fur, and armpit hair. Now I know scientific understanding can change over the years, so I may be out of date from my school days, but I'm sure ducks have feathers and wings. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I've been away from normal life for so long I've missed some important discoveries. Well I'm open to new ideas, so maybe some of you can enlighten me on the latest research in the field of ducks!

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