Thursday, 26 November 2009

Helium balloon anyone

It seems my sombre mood was not restricted to me alone. Vicki has had a couple of stress point which have resulting in some very teary and emotional moments. She badly misses the life she had before the Leukaemia, and everything that went with it. Who wouldn't? She's also back at that "can't see the light at the end of the tunnel" moment, when every day the doctors come, and just give her even more drugs to take.

The crux of the problem is that her blood counts remain very low. Whilst this is the case, the risk of infection is high, and this risks needs carefully managing, with drugs to prevent infections and staying on the ward for frequent observations just in case things kick off, infection-wise. Given what happened last time, this is wise.

So we carry on, waiting, hoping, and passing the time of day, until someone tell us we can come home.

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