Sunday, 24 January 2010

Don't tar all teenagers with the same brush

Generally, the press give teenagers a hard time. Generally I give teenagers a hard time. From close quarters, I can see that many of them are self centred neurotic individuals, who can't see further than their own egotistical boundaries. But they are not all like that. Vicki's boyfriend Andy and best friend Philippa always restore my faith in the youth of today. Far from the typical chav-like picture of the world painted by most of the media, these two are very wide of that mark.

Whenever they visit Vicki they light up her world. Whenever they visit together, we have an absolute riot. Yesterday was a perfect example of this. To illustrate this point, I want you to imagine the game Shopping Cart Hero. For those that don't know, or can't be bothered to Google it, it's a simple game where you push a shopping cart along, with 'groupies' in the trolley, and you perform tricks to gain points and kudos. Last night, a real-world recreation of this event took place. Andy was pushing the cart, and Philippa was the groupie. We videoed the event for posterity, and as soon as Andy gets his finger out and mails me the 'trolley-cam' shots, I'll be posting it up to YouTube for your general amusement. We think it will become viral of the week out there in Cyberspace.

The journey home was full of laughter. For reasons I'm none to sure of, most of the journey took place with all of us using differing accents, most of which none of us could quite claim to be accurate representations of any part of the world other than in our deranged imaginations. A recurring theme was "Accrington Stanley? Who are they?". "Exactly". Andy's attempts at Scottish always ended up as Welsh. My Russian was Caribbean. Somewhere in the middle Philippa was Hannah Montana. Strange this, as she was trying to sound like she was from Manhattan!

We also came up with loads of pitches for TV shows, so look out Simon Cowell, Ducks on Ice is coming! We were also treated to renditions of various songs in the style of cats, courtesy of the mew-sical talents of Philippa. Imagine if you can, the Star Wars Death March theme, or even Lady Gaga's Poker face being comprised of meows. Perhaps she should have sung "Ground control to ginger tom..." or perhaps something by the Pussy Cat Dolls... who knows.

I so look forward to the next journey with these jokers in my car. They should be on the stage you know, sweeping up!

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